It happened when one day I reopened an old storage room after a long time. The room had old dumped and broken furniture and was full of dust and mud, and had some broken windows as well. An interesting scenario was waiting for me.
So, let’s see what I saw in there:
The mother cat was lying on the floor
Raising her little family inside the door
She seemed worried and stance was defensive
To her nothing else sheer family was expensive
There was a warmth of love care and affection
I let her stay and decided to take no hard action
Withal it made me think what love can do
Man only has emotions the theory can’t be true
Love can make a sparrow fight with a snake
Even if her own dear life is on the stake
Standing before the cat I was a little tense
If felt any threat mother cat could be immense
Fire of love could be seen in her fiery eyes
Surely for her kittens she wouldn’t think twice
I left the room not to bother her more
She would feel easy now I was quite sure
Yet the love of family wouldn’t let her serene
Opposing my plans she had left the scene
Jaws once used to bite tear and cut a prey
Carried the kittens safely to a home far away
The story could teach a lesson to the Mankind
Albeit life is busy let’s not keep the family behind